Agricultural machinery JOHN DEERE 6020 Series from Hungaryair conditioner
Results found: 2
See Agricultural machinery for lease
6020 Series
Air conditioner

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John Deere 6920
Farm tractor
20033800 hNet weight: 5900 kgPayload: 3100 kg160 hp
Hungary, 1076 Budapest, Garay utca 45. 1. em. 120.
Published: 7d
23 400EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 34 016 SGD
- ≈ 25 524 USD
20033800 hNet weight: 5900 kgPayload: 3100 kg160 hp
Hungary, 1076 Budapest, Garay utca 45. 1. em. 120.
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See all photos (7)
John Deere 6520
Farm tractor
20065900 hNet weight: 5500 kgPayload: 3500 kg135 hp
Hungary, 1076 Budapest, Garay utca 45. 1. em. 120.
Published: 8d
25 700EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 37 359 SGD
- ≈ 28 033 USD
20065900 hNet weight: 5500 kgPayload: 3500 kg135 hp
Hungary, 1076 Budapest, Garay utca 45. 1. em. 120.
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